Sunday, March 28, 2010

Liver Disease Herbs & Diet

A healthy lifestyle majorly includes, but is not limited to, a healthy diet.  Diet has become a dirty word that means restriction of foods to most people.  The original definition, however, was a way of living.  In our world, food is not food.  We don’t eat real vegetables and fruits and other natural foods.  We eat highly processed substances that include some natural foods sometimes, but are often mostly or solely made up of things that are not food.  Even our produce is covered with pesticides and herbicides.  All of these factors contribute to liver disease and other illnesses.  The way we eat is key to making sure that liver disease herbs are able to perform the tasks they were made to perform in our bodies.

Non-foods are not benign, or harmless, like a lot of people think they are.  Not only do they not provide nutrients to our bodies, but they also require more of our stored nutrients to be metabolized than real food does.  In addition to using up stored nutrients, these non-foods contain substances that create comfy environments for harmful organisms to flourish.  This is one way that our diets can impede the progress of liver disease herbs.  The lack of natural vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and enzymes makes it possible for bacteria, fungi and viruses to buildup in the body.  Some microorganisms actually feed on the ingredients in these non-foods.  For example, sugar is sometimes added to bread dough in order to help the yeast rise.  That kind of yeast is a fungus that feeds on sugar.  When we eat non-foods containing processed sugar especially, we may be feeding harmful yeasts that are possibly living in our colons and other areas of our bodies.  The yeasts, bacteria, viruses, etc., can build up in our livers and other organs, causing liver disease, kidney disease, and other detrimental diseases. 

What I’m referring to when I say non-foods are things like microwave dinners, quick-fix meals in a box -like meals you add hamburger to- and rice-in-a-box deals.  Pretty much anything that comes in a box or package and you can eat after just adding milk or water or a few little ingredients is almost guaranteed to clog your arteries and organs and cause a mess in your bodily functions.  Liver disease is included in that mess.  Things like cake mixes, pudding and gelatin, stuffing-in-a-box, pretty much anything at a restaurant, unless you go to one that you know is all organic and they fix their food healthfully. Even juices from concentrate and vegetable soups in cans are dangerous.  If you don’t notice a difference right away, you will down the road- after the buildup is next to impossible to undo.  What I mean by nearly impossible is that point where the doctors are telling you that you have to have surgery because even they do not know how else to get rid of the problem.  The hope is usually that liver disease herbs will support your liver so well that you won’t have to look at surgery as a possibility, but eating foods like these habitually is just too big of an onslaught for the herbs to make a dent in.

Natural foods, like real, organic vegetables, fruit, and raw dairy products, all contain good minerals, antioxidants, vitamins, enzymes to help with metabolism and some of them carry beneficial microorganisms that are the natural enemies of the harmful bugs.  We’ve got to get back to eating things in their natural form, or next to it.  Things like sprouted grains, fermented veggies, wild caught fish, and grass fed meats are all very healthy even though they’re not the completely natural form.  Sprouting grains by soaking them in salt water actually neutralizes the natural defense acids which cause problems in our digestive systems.  The lacto-fermentation process exponentially increases enzyme activity in vegetables, and makes the vitamins and minerals much more able to be absorbed.  Every time we eat some of these natural foods, we are supporting our immune systems.  With every bite of healthy, natural food, liver disease and other illnesses are being prevented.  One nice thing about some liver disease herbs is that we can use a lot of them to season our healthy foods for flavor and build our immune systems at the same time.

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