Monday, March 22, 2010

Liver Disease Herbs and Forgiveness

The most important part of all healing is forgiveness.  It sounds pretty fruity, but it’s true.  No healing method, not even conventional medicine will ever truly heal us if the illness we’re experiencing is complicated by unforgiveness.  Liver disease herbs, essential oils, homeopathy, even conventional antibiotics can bring temporary relief, but if our livers are suffering from us harboring unforgiveness, then we’re wasting our time and money.  The illness will always come back, and sometimes it will come back 8 times worse than we had it the last time.

In the Bible, there is a statement that says, “You reap what you sow.” This same principle is sometimes called “karma” in other religions, and even by non-religious people.  I’m sure it has other names as well.  A more modern phrase is, “What goes around comes around.”  The principle itself says that whatever we are putting out into the world, or universe, will come back at us.  It is age-old knowledge (not unlike liver disease herbs) that is sometimes ridiculed and ignored, but it is nevertheless true.  It’s experienced by everyone, whether they recognize it at the time or not.  People around the world realize at different times in their lives that the past has come back to haunt them.  The nice thing is that this principle applies to positives as well as negatives.  So there is balance in the world.

Unforgiveness is generally from anger that has been steeping in our livers and other mid-section organs like a tea bag in a cup of hot water.  You know you haven’t forgiven someone when the thought of them makes your body stiffen, even if for just a millisecond.  Over days, weeks, months and even years, this anger pulses within us and grows when it is not kept in check.  Some anger is justified.  Perhaps you were molested as a child, or your parent beat you or some other terrible trauma that you could not control and that you did not deserve happened.  Some anger is not justified.  Perhaps a very good friend told you that your significant other was cheating on you and you didn’t want to believe it, so you removed the best friend from your life even though what they said was true.  Sometimes we are simply angry with ourselves and don’t even realize it.  Regardless of whether the anger is justified or not, if it is not converted into positivity, it cannot be expelled from the body and it just sits there in our midsections, feeding on itself and motivating us to do things we otherwise would not do.  Because anger is a negative energy, it wears on your liver, spreading throughout, like fluid saturates a paper towel. 

Regardless, there is hope.  It is possible to get closure, even if the anger is aimed toward a person we don’t have contact with any longer.  Forgiveness is a choice, just as anger is a choice.  At every problem we have the choice to become angry or not.  We have the choice to forgive or not.  Even if something happened to us early in our childhood, when we didn’t have the knowledge and tools to know we could choose, we have chances in our adult years to make a new decision for each problem we faced.  This is because when we make the wrong choice the first time around, we always at some point in our lives end up in the same type of situation.  It’s a new chance to make it right, if not for someone else, at least for ourselves.  Liver disease herbs and other forms of natural remedies are unique in that they can help us to make the right choice the second or third or eighth time around.  They heal the whole person, not just the symptoms of the illness.

It is important to know that with any illness, including liver disease, that essential oils, homeopathy, herbs and the like are very good helps in healing, but they are never the end of the process.  Our emotions run havoc (and blessing) through our bodies every day.  When the negative emotions gain control of our minds and hearts, as anger is commonly known to do, they can create health problems like liver disease.  Forgiveness is absolutely the first step in healing any health issue we have.  If we do not have forgiveness issues, then we heal faster and more completely, though most of us would not have thought about it before.

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