Sunday, March 28, 2010

Liver Disease Herbs & Diet

A healthy lifestyle majorly includes, but is not limited to, a healthy diet.  Diet has become a dirty word that means restriction of foods to most people.  The original definition, however, was a way of living.  In our world, food is not food.  We don’t eat real vegetables and fruits and other natural foods.  We eat highly processed substances that include some natural foods sometimes, but are often mostly or solely made up of things that are not food.  Even our produce is covered with pesticides and herbicides.  All of these factors contribute to liver disease and other illnesses.  The way we eat is key to making sure that liver disease herbs are able to perform the tasks they were made to perform in our bodies.

Non-foods are not benign, or harmless, like a lot of people think they are.  Not only do they not provide nutrients to our bodies, but they also require more of our stored nutrients to be metabolized than real food does.  In addition to using up stored nutrients, these non-foods contain substances that create comfy environments for harmful organisms to flourish.  This is one way that our diets can impede the progress of liver disease herbs.  The lack of natural vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and enzymes makes it possible for bacteria, fungi and viruses to buildup in the body.  Some microorganisms actually feed on the ingredients in these non-foods.  For example, sugar is sometimes added to bread dough in order to help the yeast rise.  That kind of yeast is a fungus that feeds on sugar.  When we eat non-foods containing processed sugar especially, we may be feeding harmful yeasts that are possibly living in our colons and other areas of our bodies.  The yeasts, bacteria, viruses, etc., can build up in our livers and other organs, causing liver disease, kidney disease, and other detrimental diseases. 

What I’m referring to when I say non-foods are things like microwave dinners, quick-fix meals in a box -like meals you add hamburger to- and rice-in-a-box deals.  Pretty much anything that comes in a box or package and you can eat after just adding milk or water or a few little ingredients is almost guaranteed to clog your arteries and organs and cause a mess in your bodily functions.  Liver disease is included in that mess.  Things like cake mixes, pudding and gelatin, stuffing-in-a-box, pretty much anything at a restaurant, unless you go to one that you know is all organic and they fix their food healthfully. Even juices from concentrate and vegetable soups in cans are dangerous.  If you don’t notice a difference right away, you will down the road- after the buildup is next to impossible to undo.  What I mean by nearly impossible is that point where the doctors are telling you that you have to have surgery because even they do not know how else to get rid of the problem.  The hope is usually that liver disease herbs will support your liver so well that you won’t have to look at surgery as a possibility, but eating foods like these habitually is just too big of an onslaught for the herbs to make a dent in.

Natural foods, like real, organic vegetables, fruit, and raw dairy products, all contain good minerals, antioxidants, vitamins, enzymes to help with metabolism and some of them carry beneficial microorganisms that are the natural enemies of the harmful bugs.  We’ve got to get back to eating things in their natural form, or next to it.  Things like sprouted grains, fermented veggies, wild caught fish, and grass fed meats are all very healthy even though they’re not the completely natural form.  Sprouting grains by soaking them in salt water actually neutralizes the natural defense acids which cause problems in our digestive systems.  The lacto-fermentation process exponentially increases enzyme activity in vegetables, and makes the vitamins and minerals much more able to be absorbed.  Every time we eat some of these natural foods, we are supporting our immune systems.  With every bite of healthy, natural food, liver disease and other illnesses are being prevented.  One nice thing about some liver disease herbs is that we can use a lot of them to season our healthy foods for flavor and build our immune systems at the same time.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Liver Disease Herbs & Building Your Immune System

Louis Pasteur discovered that some microorganisms cause disease, and that eliminating the microorganisms brings healing.  Other scientists countered his discovery with the idea that a healthy body could expel those microorganisms, and therefore, the diseases they cause.  Louis Pasteur’s discovery has increasingly caught more attention in the medical world since his time than the counter argument.

Science has shown that both statements are true.  Some microorganisms cause disease if they are not eliminated or expelled, and healthy bodies are able to fight disease more successfully than unhealthy bodies.  Since both statements are true, it must be true that their principles work in conjunction with each other, rather than opposed.  The fact that one of the principles has been lost in the shadow of the other has led to increased health problems over time.

The liver acts as a filter for the body.  It filters harmful things like bacteria, fungi, toxins from food and the environment for our bodies.  Liver disease is often, if not always, caused by a buildup of these harmful substances.

Liver disease herbs are unique in that they fulfill both the principle or eradicating dangerous organisms, and building the immune system.  Herbs have antibiotic properties, are antiviral, antiseptic, etc.  They attack any and all harmful organisms in the body.  Usually alkaline, liver disease herbs create an environment in the body that is hostile to harmful bacteria, fungi, and viruses.  The body becomes an environment in which these bugs cannot continue to live.  This, in itself, is one way the herbs fulfill both tasks.

Herbs also contain multiple vitamins, minerals, and enzymes.  Vitamins, of course, are essential nutrients to health and vitality.  Minerals keep our bodies alkaline and balance our acid levels.  Enzymes aid in the digestion of food.  This is another way liver disease herbs help build our immune systems.

The word “vitamin” originally was a combination of the words “vital” and “mineral”.  Since then it has morphed into the label for any compound which cannot be amply produced by a body (human or animal), and must therefore be absorbed from food.  Vitamins are known to regulate hormonal activity, help with regeneration of tissues, and build bones.  Some of them help us better absorb other vitamins, minerals, and can aid in digestion, among other organ activity.

Sometimes our bodies can become acidic from certain foods.  Stress can also be a factor, and our environment with the pollution in the air nowadays can, too.  When our bodies become too acidic, our health begins to decline.  We become more vulnerable to disease.  When we don’t get enough minerals, toxins start storing in fat cells as a protection against them remaining in the bloodstream.  Bringing our bodies to a more alkaline state is the most efficient way to flush our bodies of these toxins and reduce the extra fat cells.  This can also flush the liver, since it can become acidic as well.

Enzymes are essential to digestion.  A lot of herbs and vegetables contain the correct enzymes to specifically digest their sugars and other materials.  Our bodies contain certain enzymes, too.  The problem with not supplementing our diet with foods that contain their own enzymes is that our bodies do not remanufacture most of the enzymes we are born with.  When the enzymes in our bodies are completely exhausted, there are no more to replenish us.  The more enzymes we get from our food, the longer we will be able to properly digest our food.

These are three important ways that liver disease herbs support our immune systems, and attack harmful organisms.  They provide a balanced method for obtaining and maintaining good health.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Liver Disease Herbs and Forgiveness

The most important part of all healing is forgiveness.  It sounds pretty fruity, but it’s true.  No healing method, not even conventional medicine will ever truly heal us if the illness we’re experiencing is complicated by unforgiveness.  Liver disease herbs, essential oils, homeopathy, even conventional antibiotics can bring temporary relief, but if our livers are suffering from us harboring unforgiveness, then we’re wasting our time and money.  The illness will always come back, and sometimes it will come back 8 times worse than we had it the last time.

In the Bible, there is a statement that says, “You reap what you sow.” This same principle is sometimes called “karma” in other religions, and even by non-religious people.  I’m sure it has other names as well.  A more modern phrase is, “What goes around comes around.”  The principle itself says that whatever we are putting out into the world, or universe, will come back at us.  It is age-old knowledge (not unlike liver disease herbs) that is sometimes ridiculed and ignored, but it is nevertheless true.  It’s experienced by everyone, whether they recognize it at the time or not.  People around the world realize at different times in their lives that the past has come back to haunt them.  The nice thing is that this principle applies to positives as well as negatives.  So there is balance in the world.

Unforgiveness is generally from anger that has been steeping in our livers and other mid-section organs like a tea bag in a cup of hot water.  You know you haven’t forgiven someone when the thought of them makes your body stiffen, even if for just a millisecond.  Over days, weeks, months and even years, this anger pulses within us and grows when it is not kept in check.  Some anger is justified.  Perhaps you were molested as a child, or your parent beat you or some other terrible trauma that you could not control and that you did not deserve happened.  Some anger is not justified.  Perhaps a very good friend told you that your significant other was cheating on you and you didn’t want to believe it, so you removed the best friend from your life even though what they said was true.  Sometimes we are simply angry with ourselves and don’t even realize it.  Regardless of whether the anger is justified or not, if it is not converted into positivity, it cannot be expelled from the body and it just sits there in our midsections, feeding on itself and motivating us to do things we otherwise would not do.  Because anger is a negative energy, it wears on your liver, spreading throughout, like fluid saturates a paper towel. 

Regardless, there is hope.  It is possible to get closure, even if the anger is aimed toward a person we don’t have contact with any longer.  Forgiveness is a choice, just as anger is a choice.  At every problem we have the choice to become angry or not.  We have the choice to forgive or not.  Even if something happened to us early in our childhood, when we didn’t have the knowledge and tools to know we could choose, we have chances in our adult years to make a new decision for each problem we faced.  This is because when we make the wrong choice the first time around, we always at some point in our lives end up in the same type of situation.  It’s a new chance to make it right, if not for someone else, at least for ourselves.  Liver disease herbs and other forms of natural remedies are unique in that they can help us to make the right choice the second or third or eighth time around.  They heal the whole person, not just the symptoms of the illness.

It is important to know that with any illness, including liver disease, that essential oils, homeopathy, herbs and the like are very good helps in healing, but they are never the end of the process.  Our emotions run havoc (and blessing) through our bodies every day.  When the negative emotions gain control of our minds and hearts, as anger is commonly known to do, they can create health problems like liver disease.  Forgiveness is absolutely the first step in healing any health issue we have.  If we do not have forgiveness issues, then we heal faster and more completely, though most of us would not have thought about it before.