Tuesday, February 2, 2010


The main purpose for this blog is informing people, including myself, of the facts of health in relation to liver disease and herbs that may help us to keep from being its victims.  This purpose may carry the blog into seemingly peripheral realms, such as politics, and information on conventional medicine, etc.

For the last few years, I have enjoyed studying in the realm of natural remedies.  I’ve learned the benefits of consuming raw dairy products, grass fed meats, and using essential oils, herbs and even stones for healing.  Homeopathy and emotional clearing have also been included in my studies, as well as some other modes of healing.

I am, by no means, a scholar or doctor.  I am simply a person who believes that knowledge is power, and I seek to know what is important to my health and the health of others.

Liver disease affects a lot of people.  Often, liver disease is attributed to the overuse of alcohol.  What is not so commonly known is that the liver vibrates at the same frequency as the emotion of anger, and that when anger is not properly converted to positive energy to be expelled from the body, it stores in the liver.  I’m sure everyone knows someone who has been drowning their sorrows, but not a lot of us have considered that they are extremely angry.  I believe a lot of them are angry, but since we expect anger to manifest itself in one main method, i.e. yelling, we overlook it.

Herbs can be used to stimulate the liver, to support its function, and to cleanse it.  They provide vitamins and other nutrients, and they also provide their own positive energy with which to cleanse the negative, angry energy from the liver.  There are many ways to use herbs in order to support our immune systems and organ functions.  We can season our foods with them, make tinctures with them, use them in the forms of essential oils and teas, etc.  As I study the use of herbs in preventing liver disease, I will keep a record here.